Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties


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  • Thanks for a great summer

    Sep 7, 2013

    School is back in session, footballs are flying through the air, a tinge of color is appearing amongst the leaves and temperatures are beginning to dip — all sure signs of fall. But before we get too far down the autumnal road, we say thank you to all those who worked so hard putting on a vast variety of community events this past summer. The rear-view mirror is full of Fourth of July activities, county fairs and other events that allowed the community to gather and celebrate. Festival Ironwood drew good-sized crowds to a newly-renovated D...

  • Clarification offered on consolidation survey

    Aug 30, 2013

    To the Editor: In response to the recent comments made by members of the Bessemer School District Board of Education, I would like to take this opportunity to offer some clarification. Recently, the Wakefield-Marenisco Board of Education offered a survey on consolidation to the residents of the school district. The purpose of the survey is to provide the board with information on the opinions of our communities regarding the possibility of future consolidation of school districts. Clarification 1: Contrary to the comment made by a member of the...

  • No-fault insurance works 'just fine'

    Aug 30, 2013

    To the Editor: Last week, I had the privilege of traveling around the seven counties in my district to discuss something very important to us in the U.P.: auto no-fault insurance. Since the so-called insurance reforms were introduced into the Michigan legislature, I’ve heard from many of you about this issue. Some called and wrote to say that it was time to get rid of the system. Others urged me to support no-fault, as it had personally impacted the well-being of their families. There’s no getting around the fact that we all see the fee for...

  • Concerns raised over volunteer work

    Aug 29, 2013

    To the Editor: I am concerned about the Wakefield City Council allowing Scott Favero to clean up a site along an abandoned railroad that includes old bulk tanks and tires on city and private property. Is he insured for this task? Who will pay if any injury or death occur? The city’s taxpayers? The private property owner? This will require more help cleaning this eyesore than one person. Will they be covered by insurance? Will he just reap the scrap worth money and leave the rest? And what if there are hazardous chemicals in those tanks? Who w...

  • Mining company shouldn't let negativity stop them

    Aug 23, 2013

    To the Editor: I attended the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources public hearing on Aug. 15 in Hurley regarding Gogebic Taconite’s request for bulk sampling and pre-application notice for a mining permit. I take exception with the Daily Globe’s front-page article on Aug. 16, “Many residents oppose Gogebic Taconite mine.” Between the hours of 10 a.m. and noon, I believe only two speakers actually resided in Iron County. The vast majority of speakers were from out of town or county, and many were from out of state. One speaker was even fr...

  • School just around corner

    Cortney Ofstad|Aug 19, 2013

    As summer draws to a close, I am reminded of that dreaded feeling that all children get when the weather gets a little cooler, days get a little shorter and Mom starts taking you shopping for pants instead of shorts. School is just around the corner. As an adult that feeling is not so much about dreading school, but more about feeling that time went by way too fast. When I think back to my summer, while it was supposed to be just over three months, it seemed more like three minutes. Every summer, days are filled with events, parties, vacations...

  • Many contribute to can drive

    Aug 17, 2013

    On behalf of the Gogebic Miners football program, I thank all of those who contributed deposit cans, bottles, non-deposit cans and money to our 23rd annual can drive. I would also like to thank all of the players and parents who showed up to help work. Much appreciation goes out to local businesses for paying us for our returnables. A big Miners thank you goes out to Jim Reed for his time driving and sorting. Thanks to Mick Lane, Kelly Fabbri, Mark Lane, Brad Dalbec, Stephanie Wanden, Dave Zielinski, Jerry Cossi, Lisa Johnson, Brandon Makela,...

  • Flashing light before intersection 'great' idea

    Aug 17, 2013

    To the Editor: I would like to say thank you to Evert Nasi for his letter to the editor in Wednesday’s Daily Globe. The idea about the flashing warning signal indicating the light is going to turn is great. My son lives in New Jersey and they have that same thing there. As soon as the light starts flashing, you know to slow down because the light is going to turn red. I hate going to Bessemer through that light. It is enough to give you an ulcer every time you see vehicles going through a red light, because there isn’t enough of a warning it...

  • Bessemer's recent projects 'thrilling' to see

    Aug 16, 2013

    To the Editor: On a recent trip to Bessemer, my sister, Polly (Johnson) Friend, and I were thrilled to see some new things happening in “our” hometown. We just happened to catch the Discovery Channel showing of Terry Bradshaw’s “Today in America” which featured Bessemer. What great national coverage of the city. We also learned that the Presbyterian Church (a beautiful building and our old church) would be given new life as an art studio and gallery. That will be a fine addition to all in the city and surrounding area. The Ethnic Commons P...

  • Sign, flashing lights the answer to intersection

    Aug 14, 2013

    To the Editor: I use the Section 12 Road-U.S. 2 intersection every day, usually several times a day. I can attest to the fact that many vehicles drive through after the signal turns “red.” Going north on U.S. 53 out of Duluth, Minn., there is a caution sign with a set of yellow lights before the traffic light at the intersection of Ugstad Road. The yellow sign says, “Prepare to stop when flashing,” and its yellow lights flash to warn the driver that the traffic light ahead is soon turning “red.” It’s my opinion the addition of a sign and ligh...

  • Animals shouldn't be sold to unsupervised minors

    Aug 14, 2013

    To the Editor: County fairs usually have something for everyone. Whether you go for the rides, the food, the exhibits, the entertainment or even the beer tent, just about everyone can find something they are looking for at our county fairs. The same is true for the inconsiderate and irresponsible people who go looking to unload their unwanted animals on impulsive spenders and children. I am referring to the people who bring their bunnies to the fair with the hopes of selling them to anyone willing to buy them. I would think no responsible...

  • Ontonagon recycling program offers update

    Aug 8, 2013

    To the Editor: As of August 2013, there are 16,988 school groups recycling ink and laser jet cartridges and cellphones through the Funding Factory program. WOAS-FM joined this program to recycle items on behalf of the Ontonagon Area Schools in 1998. Currently, WOAS-FM ranks 308th on this list in terms of the number of qualifying units recycled. Math wizards out there will note that this places our collection program in the top 1.8 percent in the United States despite our small, rural population base. The Funding Factory tally breaks down our...

  • Lake Gogebic saw best of times, worst of times

    Aug 7, 2013

    To the Editor: Ghost wind haunts my midnight reverie and eliminates the need to whistle out from underneath the shadow of the tree. I gaze at my large, framed map of Lake Gogebic, dated 1948. The lake was in days past much more isolated than at present. There was no Mackinac Bridge, and when the interstate freeway system money allotted by Congress began to run out, plans to extend the system to the “Soo” Locks were abandoned. Being so isolated, it was a scary place to visit, especially for an imaginative young boy. Dwellings were few, and acr...

  • Lupine Junefest a grand success

    Jul 27, 2013

    The Lupine Junefest Committee would like to extend a sincere thank you to all the people and businesses that helped make our 2013 event a great success. Many volunteer hours and business donations were put into this event and it would have been impossible without each and every one of you. We recognize that your continued support is what will allow us to help support our future Mercer, Wis., bike trail. Thank you to our sponsors, all the participants in the bike tours, art, craft and flea fair, classic car show and the newspaper reporters....

  • 'Extreme' groups' actions exhibit hypocrisy

    Jul 26, 2013

    To the Editor: Everyone should see the video of the group of masked marauders that attacked the mining site. The attacks were both verbal and physical. You can see the video on YouTube or JSOnline. This group calls itself “The Penokee Defenders,” or PDF. Subsequently, Gogebic Taconite hired a private security firm to protect their employees and property, only to be condemned by the known obstructionist state Sen. Robert Jauch, D-Poplar. Jauch has since retracted his statement and somehow now seems to believe that Americans do have a right to...

  • Good Samaritan saves fallen chair

    Jul 26, 2013

    To the Editor: This letter is about the milk of human kindness. A week ago, we prepared to take an old settee and chair to be reupholstered in Ironwood. As my husband, Dick, loaded them into a borrowed pickup I had a premonition and said “that chair is going to bounce out.” His response was “no way,” and off we set. We arrived at the upholsterer and Dick went to the office to see where to unload. When he returned to the truck he said, “Where’s the chair?” thinking that it had already been taken by a worker. When it turned out it was simply gone...

  • Consider mine's pollution impact in Iron County

    Jul 19, 2013

    To the Editor: It is widely observed that support for a taconite mine is much higher in Iron County than in Ashland County. This stems primarily from the fact that Ashland County is downstream from the proposed mine, and stands to suffer the brunt of any water pollution issues. Many Iron County residents are not yet aware that they will be downwind from one of the heaviest air polluters in Wisconsin should a taconite processing facility be built. While it is fair to entertain the argument that many are willing to sacrifice some level of clean...

  • 'Man of lawlessness' to be revealed before Christ

    Jul 17, 2013

    To the Editor: What’s this? Islamic mosques are exempt from surveillance? Is that insanity or what? Whose idea and decision was that? We the People would like to know, because in his second letter to Christ’s church in Thessalonica, Saul (Paul) and friends informed them that before the coming of our Lord, the man of lawlessness would be revealed (II Thessalonians 2:1-11). Incidentally, that’s a must-read for everyone. This nameless individual is also known as “the” Antichrist. An anti-Christ opposes anything that Yeshua (Jesus) stands fo...

  • Mine opponents should read law, realize potential

    Jul 17, 2013

    To the Editor: I find it very curious that the anti-mining crowd present at the Iron County Comprehensive Planning/Land and Zoning Committee meeting Monday, July 1, mostly came from outside of Iron County. If they are opposed to ferrous mining, they should work at keeping it out of their county. Why the big concern and interest in Iron County? It appears quite dubious to me. Each speaker that stepped up to the podium had to identify himself and state where they were from. Many came from Ashland County, some from Washburn, Bayfield, Sawyer, and...

  • School consolidation talks should begin

    Jul 16, 2013

    To the Editor: My name is Kim Wright. I’m a member of the Bessemer School Board. I’m a retired teacher who has been subbing a day or two a week in Wakefield and Ironwood these past few years. If there’s one word I’ve heard more than others during this service, it’s “consolidation.” Given the talk running through our towns, perhaps it’s time we examine it. In our more populated and job abundant past, our schools and colors identified each of our communities more than any other single thing. Money and infrastructure weren’t problems. Today they a...

  • Violence at mine disheartening

    Jul 13, 2013

    To the Editor: Reading the recent news about the behavior of the protesters at the open pit mine site near Upson, Wis., was very disheartening. These protesters should be ashamed of themselves. First off, look at the horrible example they set for young people. Threatening people and despicable, vulgar language are uncalled for. People for or against the mine have a right to their viewpoint, but violence and vulgarity are not the ways to demonstrate their views. I am for this mine; I hope it comes to fruition. To all you protesters who want a...

  • Low speed limit, larger area good for intersections

    Jul 11, 2013

    To the Editor: Reference Roger Anderson’s letter to the editor, dated Wednesday, July 3. Bravo. I, too, have been wondering just why nothing has been done about a speed limit approaching the infamous “Walmart intersection.” I, too, have never seen a traffic light on a stretch of road, stoplight-controlled, where the speed limit is 55 miles per hour, a limit which soon may be 65 miles per hour if rumors from downstate prove to be true. Local officials should be screaming at government entities downstate to solve this problem. Like Ander...

  • Security guards at mine site for reason

    Jul 11, 2013

    To the Editor: I am responding to the press release that Wisconsin state Sen. Robert Jauch, D-Poplar, and state Rep. Janet Bewley, D-Ashland, sent to Gogebic Taconite requesting the removal of the security that they hired to protect their employees and equipment. Let’s not forget that the eco-terrorists donned masks and destroyed valuable equipment and threatened workers with death. This reaches the level of terrorism in my judgment, regardless of how much in the way of public relations damage control environmental groups employ. Employees must...

  • Born on the Fourth of July

    Jul 8, 2013

    Every year I am reminded of my membership into a pretty small, selective club. It’s nothing fancy. Nor is it secretive or exciting. It’s called the Holiday Club and it sucks. Your only requirement is to be born on a holiday, and my requirement is met every July 4. To some, being born on a holiday sounds cool. Everyone gets to celebrate with you. However, as with everything, it has its downside. Being born on a holiday guarantees that no matter what you hope for, your entire day is already planned out for you. If you’re born on Thank...

  • Thank you for generous donations

    Jul 6, 2013

    The volunteers at the Treasure Room in Montreal, Wis., thank the Kinnunen family for their generous financial donation to the Iron County Food Pantry for the purchase of food. We thank everyone who has donated to either the Treasure Room or food pantry this past week. In the month of June, our reports show that we served 151 families which included 230 adults and 97 children, for a total of 327 people. We had four new families registered for the month. Come and visit us at 72 Michigan Ave. in Montreal, or for more information, please call...

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