Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties


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  • Old-road travels prompt fond memories of Ramsay

    Jul 5, 2013

    To the Editor: The old road weaves its bittersweet way between the towns that watch from the hills. Narrow and cracked, the old road keeps itself under a canopy of branches, holding memories to the side locked in old brick, broken windows and paint-flecked walls. It is not the shortest distance between two points, but a straight way to the soul. In the end, the old road will make you smile. The best way to re-enter the town of Ramsay, both in space and time, is up and over the ridge through the secluded “location” settlements, then down and... Full story

  • Lower speed limit would reduce accidents

    Jul 3, 2013

    To the Editor: Lately there has been a rash of accidents at the intersection of U.S. 2 and Country Club Road near Ironwood. I have heard many comments about that intersection. Some want more signage or lights. I think that the answer to this problem is a no-brainer. I’ve been driving since 1965 and this is the only stoplight-controlled intersection that I have seen where the speed limit is 55 mph. If the speed limit was reduced to 35 mph a reasonable distance from the intersection, the problem would take care of itself. Roger Anderson W... Full story

  • Speaker rebuts senator's statements

    Jul 2, 2013

    To the Editor: It is truly unfortunate that state Sen. Tom Tiffany, R-Hazelhurst, has decided to totally undermine his credibility by providing false statements to the Daily Globe for Saturday’s article on the talk that I gave to the Iron County Citizens Forum on the need for the county to adopt a local mining ordinance to protect private property owners and county property taxpayers. Tiffany stated that I recommended that Iron County adopt a two-year moratorium on mining in the county. The truth is that I did not do so and in fact, three d... Full story

  • Life filled with choices; be proud of them

    Cortney Ofstad|Jul 1, 2013

    For some reason my mind has been thinking an awful lot about choices lately. Why, I have no idea, but my thoughts kept coming back to the idea of how choices change our lives. We make hundreds of choices a day. What clothes should we wear, what should we have for lunch, what morning news program should we watch, and on and on. There is one question that I can’t seem to stop thinking about. What if one choice changed our lives dramatically? When I look at my life, I think about the choices that I’ve made that have majorly impacted my life (as... Full story

  • Jan Tucker's summer school

    Jan Tucker, Daily Globe|Jun 29, 2013

    School's out for summer, at least for some. There are schools that have summer school classes or credit recovery classes. Recent surveys show kids lose much of what they learned during school year because of summer break. It is one of the reasons some advocate year-'round school, with smaller breaks. There is another answer — the Jan Tucker School curriculum for summer! The catalogue for summer courses includes: —HOME ECONOMICS 101: Planning, preparing two meals a week for the family, with an emphasis on shopping and cost; 102: Cleaning up the... Full story

  • Young critters make debuts

    Ralph Ansami, Daily Globe|Jun 29, 2013

    It’s that special time of year when critters of all types are showing up along and on roadways across the Gogebic Range. Driving past the Hurley K-12 school last Saturday, I noticed a doe about to give birth in the ditch. I didn’t want to startle the animal, so I drove down the road a bit and pulled over, taking a photo from afar. The deer hopped into the heavy woods, a safer place to welcome its fawn into the world. Quite a few fawns were spotted on the Iron County Board’s annual highway tour... Full story

  • Local, free events available as 'mini-vacations'

    Jun 21, 2013

    To the Editor: Since it is vacation time, I’d like to give my opinion on two free mini-vacations local citizens can avail themselves of right here in our area. The first is an exciting adventure with a living depiction of an authentic Roman soldier, full-scale armor, weapons and all. Finally, something for the young males of the family. This could be a fun way to learn ancient history without even trying. Arriving in full regalia with a collection of related articles as well, this guy with a master’s degree in first through third century anc... Full story

  • Bergman offering proposal 'sincere, professional'

    Jun 21, 2013

    To the Editor: I would like to publicly thank Tom Bergman, Iron County zoning administrator, for his continued efforts on behalf of the citizens of Iron County. In a sincere and professional effort to get appropriate zoning language for metallic mining conditional use permits in place, Bergman presented a proposal draft to the zoning committee on Tuesday. The proposal is the result of his thorough study of Iron County’s nonmetallic mining ordinance and the metallic mining ordinances of Oneida, Rusk, Taylor and Ashland counties, and of c... Full story

  • Tourists shop at garage sales

    Jun 14, 2013

    To the editor: Like the cities of Ironwood, Bessemer and Wakefield, you all rely on tourists to bring into these places their buying, staying at motels and what have you. Rummage sales cannot count on you to buy from them. Their sales are also from tourists who came into the area on vacation. These are the people who take and stop at a sale and take back what they can find. You people on the city commission need to find something to do with your spare time. The people of Ironwood, you need to stop wondering and shaking your heads — you put t... Full story

  • Unconscionable to make immoral acts legal

    Jun 10, 2013

    To the Editor: Apparently, Michigan and some other states may become more immoral. That is unless savvy people like yourself contact your elected servants at all levels and explain to them that with immorality comes consequences, deterioration and destruction. Immorality comes in many forms, from the taking of innocent life to self-gratification, homosexuality and even greed. If you give someone permission to be immoral, doesn’t that make you an accomplice? You cannot morally make it legal to be immoral; that would be an immoral and u... Full story

  • Thanks for great photographs

    Jun 8, 2013

    Thank you Gary Jackson for sharing all of the beauty in our community with your photographs. It’s always a joy to see one of your pictures on the front page of the Daily Globe. How you manage to capture so much is beyond me. You do a wonderful service to us all. Please keep it up as we need these “pick-me-ups” once in awhile. —Sandi McManman Ironwood... Full story

  • Wolf supporters shouldn't be silenced

    Jun 6, 2013

    To the Editor: During the lame duck session, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signed into law, Public Act 520, designating the wolf a game animal. A referendum drive was launched and signatures were gathered in every Michigan county by registered Michigan voters. Last week, the Secretary of State certified that far more than the required 161,000 signatures were obtained and approved the referendum for the November 2014 ballot, suspending the implementation of Public Act 520 until voters decide. The referendum process does not threaten anyone’s r... Full story

  • Trust God for support, personal development

    Jun 5, 2013

    To the Editor: There are religious denominations which claim that their baptisms, whether infant or adult, fulfill all the requirements of Jesus Christ’s command, “You must be born again.” Now, my intentions aren’t to give you Bible verses that refute that assumption. If interested, you can find them for yourself. An extensive Bible concordance would guide you. However, there is one scripture I would like to point out. “It is better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in man,” Psalm 118:8. Coincidence that it is in the heart of the Bibl... Full story

  • Memories matter as progress pushes forward

    Jun 5, 2013

    To the Editor: After her husband, Matti, died, Grandma lived alone in that big house up in Jessieville. She still had her “I Love Lucy” on the TV, kindly neighbors, and her dear coffee buddy, Mrs. H, from one block up nearer the hoist. As before, we came “back home” for Easter and Thanksgiving and Dad called her every Sunday. Invariably, she answered the phone after one ring. Way back in the last century, my father took Grandma to the Ironwood Theatre to see and hear “The Jazz Singer,” the first talkie starring Al Jolson. She kept dabbing her... Full story

  • Messy cemetery on Memorial Day a 'disgrace'

    Jun 4, 2013

    To the Editor: Monday, May 27, was Memorial Day, but I don’t think the city of Ironwood was aware of this fact, since the Riverside Cemetery looked absolutely terrible. This is the worst the cemetery has looked for Memorial Day in years. This is a disgrace. There were piles of leaves all over the place, the grass was not cut, and to top it all off, the water was not turned on. I understand somewhat why the grass wasn’t cut, since our spring was so wet with all the snow; however, it didn’t seem wet down there that weekend, so something shoul... Full story

  • Commencement marks end of one journey, beginning of another

    Jun 3, 2013

    Congratulations to all the graduates. Friday’s Watersmeet High School and Gogebic County Community School commencement exercises were the final graduation ceremonies on the Gogebic Range for the Class of 2013. It’s been a busy couple weeks for the graduation scene here, but finally the diplomas are out, tassels turned and caps flung. Let the next steps begin. So many great things lie ahead for the Class of 2013. Signs that the economy is gaining strength should only hold out great hope for those beginning a new chapter. We salute the tea... Full story

  • Thanks to our local veterans

    Jun 1, 2013

    Thanks to all the local veterans and their various organizations that helped mark Memorial Day in so many ways on Monday. The services conducted in many area cemeteries and at local memorials were a honorable tribute to those soldiers who served to protect our freedoms. There were parades, bands, singing, speeches and all sorts military honors offered in many hollowed spots around the Gogebic Range. This doesn’t happen without the planning and participation of hundreds of volunteers. Family and friends of the honored, as well as many other c... Full story

  • Marty's Goldenaires 'thrill' crowd at town celebration

    May 31, 2013

    To the Editor: The town of Woodruff, Wis., just celebrated on Saturday its 125-year anniversary with many appropriate activities. Among them was a beautiful parade commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Million Penny Parade. It was a reminder of Dr. Kate Newcomb (a local doctor) and teacher Otto Burich, who inspired students to think about the concept of a “million” of something. They came up with a million pennies, which flowed into Woodruff from all over the United States and were responsible for the start of a local hospital in her nam... Full story

  • Letter 'unbecoming' for writer

    May 30, 2013

    To the Editor: Former Daily Globe publisher Joe Karius submitted what can only be described as a petty letter to the editor, criticizing state Sen. Robert Jauch, D-Poplar, for submitting a photo of himself with the Dalai Lama in Madison, Wis. The thrust of Karius’ letter is that Jauch is not a hard worker if he can find time in his day for a photo opportunity with the Dalai Lama. Jauch briefly greeted the Dalai Lama while he was at the capitol to address a joint gathering of the Wisconsin Legislature — which is controlled by the Rep... Full story

  • Threat should be identified before overreacting

    May 29, 2013

    To the Editor: I’m following the case of Robert Gollubske, who has been charged with threatening to bomb the Iron County Courthouse. Now let me see if I have this correct. The FBI, our preeminent law enforcement agency in dealing with terrorism, records a phone conversation where the 75-year-old Gollubske allegedly threatened to blow up the courthouse. But instead of acting on a credible threat, they advise the Iron County Sheriff’s Department of the “danger at hand.” The operative word here is credible. First (and obviously), the FBI did not... Full story

  • Thanks due to Pinardi, county board members

    May 29, 2013

    To the Editor: On behalf of the Iron County residents and taxpayers who signed an April 19 letter to the county board members, I would like to thank Joe Pinardi, chairman of the Iron County Board of Supervisors, for his thoughtful response. The letter was a request of the board to hold a hearing for public discussion of the lease/option of 3,300 acres of Iron County forest to Gogebic Taconite in conjunction with their potential iron mine. Pinardi has agreed to schedule a hearing and we genuinely appreciate that. We would also like to... Full story

  • Photo of politician shows 'hard work'

    May 22, 2013

    To the Editor: I see the Daily Globe ran a “submitted photo” showing Wisconsin state Rep. Robert Jauch, D–Poplar, congratulating the Dalai Lama for showing people that compassion is not a weakness. How nice of Big Bob to send in the photo to get his name and face in the paper and to show us all how hard he’s working in Madison, Wis. Do you suppose he told the Dalai Lama about his secret escape route to Illinois that he uses when he and his fellow Democrats want to abdicate their responsibility as lawmakers? Again, thanks, Bob, for sharing... Full story

  • National Nursing Home Week a good time to thank those who care

    May 18, 2013

    In light of National Nursing Home Week, Gogebic Medical Care Facility would like to thank our residents, their families and our staff. Your continuing support and smiling faces truly make our facility a wonderful place for all. Heidi Brown, director of activities Gogebic Medical Care Facility, Wakefield... Full story

  • Flowers help beautify downtown

    May 18, 2013

    The Downtown Ironwood Development Authority is once again collecting donations for the downtown hanging flower baskets. The DIDA is thankful for the support of those who have donated in the past to help with this project. To continue this tradition, donations will be needed to help fund this project. With the renovation of main street and Depot Park, the baskets will truly add to the beauty of our town. A total of 61 16-inch flower baskets will be purchased. If you are able to help us with this beautification project, please send your check,... Full story

  • School consolidation should include Ironwood

    May 15, 2013

    To the Editor: On Monday, the Daily Globe printed an excellent letter to the editor by Mike Korpela. However, Korpela missed one point. It’s very well-written and makes sense, except for again omitting Ironwood from consolidation plans. I moved to Bessemer 31 years ago and love it here, but am appalled at the animosity toward Ironwood. I used to attend school board meetings and in 1991 it was the same sentiment before that bond proposal. As they put it, “We were in talks with consolidating with Wakefield, but then Ironwood had to stick the... Full story

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