Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties


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  • Search for peace creates struggle for veterans

    Nov 18, 2014

    Dear Editor, Listen to the wind in the willows. Listen to the murmur of voices long gone, but not forgotten. Way back in the summer of 1962, while in basic training for the U.S. Army, I made the mistake of firing “expert” with an M-1 rifle. The war in Vietnam was just starting to heat up. I spent the better part of six years in special operations in conjunction with navel maneuvers. Translation: I played numerous games of “Battleship” in an office in a National Guard armory using government-issue graph paper and ballpoint pens. By no means do I...

  • Michigan Harvest Campaign gives thanks

    Nov 15, 2014

    Dear Editor: Thank you to the Michigan State Police from Wakefield barracks, Super One and the National Honor Society students from A.D. Johnston High School in Bessemer for their donations and support during the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry in Ironwood. Thanks to the students for their help in loading our truck. The food collected will help us feed many people in our community. We are extremely grateful for the many generous people in our area. Our sincere thanks. Tomas Santos The St. Vincent de Paul Society Food Pantry...

  • November time to thank those fostering, adopting

    Nov 13, 2014

    Dear Editor, November is National Adoption Month. More than 3,000 children in the state of Michigan are in foster care waiting for permanent, loving families. Each year approximately 14,000 children are in foster care and approximately 3,000 of these children will become legally free for adoption. Another 300 children are waiting with no identified families for adoption. When children are removed from their biological parents due to neglect or abuse, the goal is to reunify them with a safer and stronger birth family or find an adoptive family a...

  • Wakefield casino needs to include employment for everyone

    Nov 8, 2014

    Dear Editor: Some years back I went to the casino in Ashland, Wis., to put in a job application for employment. On the application it said “preference given to Native Americans and are you Native American?” Since I’m not, I can assume my application ended up in the trash. If this is the policy of all Native American casinos how is that helping the employment problem in this area? I’m sure a big majority of the people here aren’t Native Americans? The area businesses who are proposing this project need to investigate this thoroughly and make...

  • Illegal immigrants shouldn't be welcomed, supported

    Nov 4, 2014

    Dear Editor, I am only a second generation American and am proud to say my grandparents emigrated here legally from Europe. They did not sneak into this country during the night like cockroaches emerging from their holes when the lights went out. The government did not support them; they paid their own way with hard work and perseverance and became upstanding citizens, proud to be new Americans. One of my grandfathers was a farmer, the other a coal miner and both later became factory workers, which was certainly no picnic in the first half of...

  • Cannon will protect medicare, not Benishek

    Oct 28, 2014

    To the Editor, Congressman Dan Benishek has resorted to the same old Republican fear tactics to scare voters into voting for him. Benishek’s latest campaign mailer, meant to intimidate Michigan voters, is called, “Let’s connect the dots” ... because your Medicare is at risk. In it he falsely claims that Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi, slashed your Medicare benefits to pay for Obamacare (The Affordable Care Act). He then adds that candidate for U.S. Congress, Jerry Cannon, will vote the party line and your Medicare will be at risk again. “Dr.” D...

  • Vote no on tax and spend policies

    Oct 28, 2014

    Dear Editor, Residents in the city of Ironwood and Ironwood Township are being asked to increase property taxes by supporting road millage requests. A recent article in the Daily Globe reported our local roads are in poor condition and in need of repair. I won’t dispute that fact. What I question is why have our elected leaders chosen and continue to make road maintenance a low priority? Property owners in Gogebic County have the highest property tax millage rates in the Upper Peninsula. Rather than make tough decisions regarding public s...

  • Thanks to all who donate at local blood drives

    Oct 25, 2014

    Dear Editor: On behalf of the U.P. Regional Blood Center, thanks go out to Chris Hoff, of the Gogebic County Medical Care Facility, Jennifer Laitala, of the Ojibwa Correctional Facility, and Alicia Cook, at Aspirus Grand View, for hosting blood drives in the month of September. As a result of their great efforts we collected 56 pints of blood. When donating with the U.P. Regional Blood Center you are supporting your community. Volunteer blood donors help us help Aspirus Grand View with all of its blood needs. We depend on your generosity in...

  • Big thanks from the Ironwood Carnegie Library

    Oct 25, 2014

    Dear Editor: This week is National Friends of the Library Week. All of us at the Ironwood Carnegie Library offer our sincere appreciation to the members of our own Friends group. These amazing volunteers work tirelessly all year to provide our fantastic book sales and other fundraisers, as well as to promote our wonderful library through their newsletters and community involvement. In addition, hundreds of other individuals renew their memberships annually, helping us to provide programs and resources throughout the year. To all of you, for...

  • Helen Sophie Wakevainen

    Oct 25, 2014

    MARENISCO, Mich. — Helen Sophie Wakevainen, 83, a longtime resident of Marenisco, passed away Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014. She was born on June 10, 1931, in Bessemer Township, a daughter of Donald Theodore and Elsie (Ruha) Wakevainen. Helen graduated from Roosevelt High School in Marenisco. She was an office worker in various states and enjoyed oil painting. Helen is survived by a brother, Donald Arvo (Bette) Wakevainen, Wakefield; a sister, Clara Amelia Wakevainen, Marenisco; a niece, Brenda (Ted) Miskovich, Wakefield; a nephew, Doug (Jean) W...

  • Mentors lessons shape lives

    Oct 22, 2014

    Dear Editor, Every day I teach, direct, role-model and coach. I can only say I do this because of the mentors I had growing up in Ironwood. I am now a mentor on so many levels. I’m always using the tools, lessons and advice that my teachers used to make sure that I one day became a caring, productive adult. I have always reflected back on those who had an impact on my education and career. They may not have noticed they had an impact on me but I sure do share their advice, guidance and care with those I teach and work with on a daily basis. I...

  • Time to pass "English only" law

    Oct 22, 2014

    Dear Editor, The first step in securing our borders is to take down the welcome signs in places that advertise in English and Spanish. It’s like a welcome to America if you can sneak across the border successfully. The next thing is to take away “press 2 for Spanish,” it is a form of supporting illegal immigrants. These are the same immigrants that are consuming our tax dollars, taking jobs away from Americans, overloading our health care system and robbing our social security system. If your senators and congressman don’t take action to spea...

  • Gogebic County Fair rides problem every year

    Oct 22, 2014

    Dear Editor, Our Gogebic County Fair this year, was really a wonderful time, all but the rides. Every year they seem to get worse. Yes, they told the board that AM only a few rides this year, “Thank goodness for us.” But every year only a few rides run. I’d say “lets tell the board different company for rides,” plus for the safety of our kids. Anneita Grosso Ironwood...

  • Reclamation plans not next logical step

    Oct 18, 2014

    To the Editor: The Iron County Mining Impact Committee asked for the public and students to submit reclamation plans for the proposed G-Tac mine. No public comment is allowed, but some plans will be chosen and the committee will ask the authors questions regarding their submissions. But, the Iron County Board has signed a lease for that land which specifically states they will not interfere with mining, beneficiation (taconite processing) or reclamation plans. Some board members who signed this are on the impact committee. They discuss reclamat...

  • Beautification of Ironwood takes a hit

    Oct 18, 2014

    To the Editor: The other day I was shaking my head in dismay when I read an article in the Daily Globe about the destruction of one of the women’s bathrooms at Depot Park in Ironwood. After all the hard work that has been put into beautifying and improving this fair city for its citizens and visitors, it made me wonder why someone could be so shortsighted. In the 1960s, Lady Bird Johnson set out on a mission for the beautification of America. Johnson was a lifelong advocate for beautifying the nation’s cities and highways. “Where flowers bloom,...

  • Wolves need compassion

    Oct 10, 2014

    Dear editor: I don’t know who Henry Beston was, or maybe is, but he said, “Animals are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations caught with us in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners in the splendor and travail of earth.” I would invite you, before possibly going to vote or suiting up for the next hunt, to read the following: —”Never Cry Wolf,” by Farley Mowat, first published September, 1963. —”To the Top of the World, Adventures with Arctic Wolves,” by Jim Brandenburg, published 1993. —”God’s Dog,” by...

  • Obamacare affront to God

    Sep 27, 2014

    To the editor: At the onset, Obamacare was an evident affront to God and to His people. It was signed into law on Christmas Eve. Well, this is a test of who reigns: God’s law or man’s law? Man has always been trying to rule, but we do know who loves us more and wants the best for us. God has proven this over and over in His book, the Bible. HIPPA is a fore-runner in an attempt to centralize information in a database. It deceives the general public by saying that your privacy would be protected. By getting the patient to sign a waiver, the pat...

  • Weather changes come with territory

    Sep 25, 2014

    Dear Editor, A windblown dandelion seed a token, that some promises were kept and some promises were broken. Time has less light as night approaches. Autumn on the moon encroaches. An empty husk a symbol of departed life and the sure sweet absence of immortal strife. Is it my age, or was that one of the quickest summers on record? At least here in the north country we are blessed with four distinct seasons. None of that dual repetition of perfect climate for us. We are true cheeseheads and yoopers through and through. Who needs boring shifts...

  • Affordable Care Act doing many good things

    Sep 15, 2014

    To the editor, It’s telling that Republicans feel they must distort the facts about the Affordable Care Act, calling it “Obamacare” and making up stories of fictional “death panels” and “rationing boards.” It appears Republicans are afraid that if they stuck to just the facts everyone would be for it. That is everyone except the insurance companies, who spent millions in campaign contributions and TV ads to fight it. Now the Affordable Care Act requires insurance companies to spend at least 80 percent of premiums to actually pay medical claim...

  • Community very active in 4-H bidding at fair

    Sep 10, 2014

    To the Editor, As a young girl growing up here in Gogebic County, I was involved in the local 4-H program raising animals to sell at the fair auction. It was how I and other members earned our spending money, afforded our first cars and purchased more animals to raise. Now as a mother, I have wanted my children to have that same experience, learning the responsibility of raising their own animal. But, as an adult, the risks I overlooked as a child become more prevalent. Every Saturday of the fair my nerves are jangling, knowing today is...

  • Ironwood Township, Carnegie Library part ways

    Sep 5, 2014

    Dear Editor: It is with great sorrow that the board writes to inform your readers that the Charter Township of Ironwood has chosen to terminate library services with the Ironwood Carnegie Library for its residents. In previous years, the township contracted with the Ironwood Carnegie Library for a fee of $16,500. This past year, the library agreed to a contract for significantly less money ($2,303) to ensure library services for township residents. The library services contract indicated the township could recommend a person to the library...

  • Grandparents influence valuable

    Sep 4, 2014

    Dear Editor, The future of our country rests with all our children and their upbringing, and a valuable part of their upbringing is the love and influence of grandparents. I have talked to a lot of grandparents lately (myself included) and I am disheartened by the obstructing walls that have negatively influenced our families. It would be easy to brush this aside, but it is a reality that must be dealt with. As grandparents we have the wisdom and advantage of age and experience to help our children and grandchildren. Don’t let our rights and l...

  • Robin William's passing highlights mental illness

    Aug 26, 2014

    Dear Editor, I want to put my two cents in in regards to our dear Robin Williams. I feel like I lost a friend, one who made me laugh, yet showed his serious side. I want to ask that no one uses the term “commit suicide” anymore. This term initially was used because suicide was considered a crime or grave sin, i.e. commit murder, commit adultery, commit a robbery. Most who die of suicide do not really want to die; they want to be free of pain. The brain is a complex organ, much more so than any other. Depression and bipolar disease are phy...

  • Sometimes parents know best

    Aug 22, 2014

    Dear Editor: The Father’s Word will change lives. Scripture says, now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that:” James 4:13-15 (NIV). As our junior year (1953) at Ironwood High School wound down in May, a friend and I decided to hitch-hi...

  • Death penalty teaches wrong lesson

    Aug 11, 2014

    To the Editor, One of the first things all human beings experience is death. Most try to avoid death, unless the person is very old and finds that living is no longer a desirable experience. In the United States, if a person kills or attempts to kill another person it is considered to be a very serious crime and the person is given a long prison sentence or is sentenced to death. The death penalty tells people in our country that sometimes it is okay to kill another person. If we wish to tell our people that it is never appropriate to kill...

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