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ONTONAGON AREA Schools seventh graders spent May 20 hiking the Ottawa National Forest trails at Bob of these locations two to five years ago have been erased. The biggest changes the students observed were on the Beaver Lodge Trail at Bob Lake. Normally, there are always some limbs down from a normal winter. This year, large trees and branches litter parts of the trail and several of the interpretive signs show major snow damage. As an added "side jaunt," the group took the half-mile trail from the south end of the Beaver Lodge Trail that connects the Bob Lake campgrounds with the North Country Trail. Studentsare shown at the trail marker where NCT hikers are directed toward the Beaver Lodge Loop and the Bob Lake Campgrounds. The group was accompanied by driver Scott DeHut and teachers Emily Carpenter and Ken Raisanen. From left are Keyrha Burns, Kaetlynn Laingren, Belle Lutz, Noah Kaarto, Austin Steve, Eddy Polakowski, Michael Banister, Whitney Rule, Bradley Myhren, Marissa Johns, Marcus Bierman, Noah Lukkari, Elijah Dupie, Jenny Labyak, Phil Voss, Rory LaBine, Mackenzie Fredrickson, Holly Wardynski and Fahren Kolpack.