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CADETS IN the Luther L. Wright High School JROTC program smile while attending Camp Wilderness JROTC summer camp recently in Park Rapids, Minn. Sixteen students attended, holding leadership positions in the camp leadership structure. Tim Lorenson was awarded the leadership trophy for outstanding performance during the camp, a news release said. All students participated in land navigation, the high ropes course, the slide for life, rappelling, rock climbing, a leadership reaction course, canoeing on the Crow River, archery, fishing and a tour of the headwaters of the Mississippi River at Itasca State Park. Pictured are, from left, first row: McKenna Orr, Leah Braucher, Anthony Ursini and Kathleen Mieloszyk; second row: Cambria Rollins, Sarah Carroll, Vanessa Nasi, Alyssa Eliason, Tom Lakvold, Sarah Johnson and Jon Clemens; third row: Ricky Morrison, Trevor RIchardson, Tim Lorenson, Blaik Kuhlman and Courtney Miller.