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ASPIRUS GRAND View Hospital junior volunteers are shown after a end-of-year celebration on Monday in Ironwood. Aspirus officer Paula Chermside presented the volunteers with awards and certificates of appreciation during the ceremony. Pictured are, first row, Chermside, Elizabeth Makela, Felicia Herlevi and Emily Matonich; second row, Travis Johnson, Colin Clausen, Tim Lorenson and volunteer coordinator Dee-Dee Lorenson. Missing were Rachel Obradovich and Stephanie Robinson. The students donated more than 300 hours of volunteer time by helping out in the cafeteria, information system, social services, nursing, physical therapy, the surgical desk and the volunteer office. The junior volunteer program is open to any student between the ages of 14-17 and the program runs from June-August. Applications may be picked up at ASGV Volunteer office or local school guidance counselor office before the next school year ends. For additional information about the program, call Lorenson at (906)932-6209.