Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties

Cannon will protect medicare, not Benishek

To the Editor,

Congressman Dan Benishek has resorted to the same old Republican fear tactics to scare voters into voting for him.

Benishek’s latest campaign mailer, meant to intimidate Michigan voters, is called, “Let’s connect the dots” ... because your Medicare is at risk. In it he falsely claims that Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi, slashed your Medicare benefits to pay for Obamacare (The Affordable Care Act). He then adds that candidate for U.S. Congress, Jerry Cannon, will vote the party line and your Medicare will be at risk again.

“Dr.” Dan doesn’t want you to know the truth. Obamacare is actually bringing health care costs down, because for the first time, 10 million Americans now have health insurance to pay their medical bills, whereas, before Obamacare became law, many doctors and hospitals were getting stuck with non-payment; which in return increased health care costs for everyone, including Medicare patients.

Your Medicare is not at risk by the Democrats in Congress. The real risk to your Medicare is, god forbid, if the Republicans end up controlling both houses of Congress and a Republican President in the White House signs the Ryan Budget into law.

Congressman Paul Ryan’s April 10, 2014, Republican budget called for $700 billion in cuts to Medicare; while giving another massive tax cut to millionaires. Guess who voted for this budget cut? None other than Congressman Dan Benishek.

Benishek is a hypocrite by falsely accusing candidate Jerry Cannon of supporting Medicare cuts. Voters, you need to know the real facts.

Who is really looking after your Social Security and Medicare? (It is not the Republicans with their Ryan budget). Don’t be swayed by Benishek’s propaganda of fear and distortion. The real long term fix for Social Security and Medicare is to increase the income cap so that the rich would pay more into the fund. This alone would keep the program solvent for the long term. Jerry Cannon will never vote to cut your Medicare benefits. He will work to save our benefits by making the wealthier people pay their fair share.

Vote on Nov. 4 for the candidate that will really represent you and not just the millionaires. Vote for Jerry Cannon for United States Congress.

Roger Halquist

Bruce Crossing