Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties

Immigration laws need to be strictly enforced

To the editor,

An editorial from a Battle Creek newspaper several days ago that was published in the Daily Globe continued the same old tired line that we “can’t deport 10 million/15 million (pick the number du jour) illegal aliens,” which is utter nonsense as that wouldn’t be necessary for the majority of them.

The economic downturn that this country has endured for the last several years has resulted in the return of many millions of illegals to their home countries according to numerous sources, including Reuters and USA Today. And they returned on their own dime.

Just think how many would go back if we had a President and political party that would enforce the existing laws that prohibit the hiring of illegal immigrants and stopped providing them with a comfortable living at the expense of the American tax paying public. Millions more would return home and pay for it themselves.

Ronald A. Knief


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