Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties

Dog park unnecessary if owners are responsible

To the Editor:

I understand that there is an interest in having a dog park in Ironwood. Who is going to clean up after the dogs? The whole Upper Peninsula and northern Wisconsin is a dog park.

Every day, we walk our little Pekingese at least eight times. If she has to relieve herself (poop), we pick it up.

When walking our dog, there is more poop on the streets including the business area. I know there are people who live in the downtown area with a dog, but just pick it up. Some of the other places that are used are the cemetery, which is posted “No Dogs.” Also Longyear Park, the Depot Park, Pocket Park, Norrie Park and even the snowmobile trails are always loaded with dog poop. Use the parks just be courteous enough to pick it up. There are pet diseases that are transmitted through their poop. Some of the diseases are Parvo, Whipworm, Hookworm, Roundworm, Guardia and Coccidia to name a few. Parents take their children to the parks. It is disgusting when a child steps in a pile of dog poop. There is nothing worse when us master gardeners are working the Pocket Park and kneel or step in dog poop.

It is only common sense and just plain courteous to everyone to pick up your dog’s poop. I know that I don’t like dogs doing it in my yard while the owner watches. It doesn’t take much to carry a baggie in your pocket to pick it up, turn it inside out, tie it and throw it into a garbage container. Piles of dog poop are a health hazard to other dogs.

In conclusion, if people would do the right thing the entire city could be a dog park without additional money spent to make a specific park to enjoy our pets. There are no bad pets, only irresponsible pet owners.

By the way there is a leash ordinance in the City of Ironwood.

— Daniel L. Adams,


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