Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties

Ironwood City Commission asked to fund viewing deck on Mt. Zion

IRONWOOD — The Ironwood City Commission took no action Monday on a request to fund construction of a viewing deck on Mt. Zion.

The city’s parks and recreation committee had supported city funding for the deck, according to Community Development Director Michael Brown.

The total cost for materials would be about $5,000, with the city providing half and the remaining $2,500 being raised through a fund drive.

Brown said the Gogebic Community College building and trades department showed an interest in participating in the project.

Commissioners discussed possibly using $2,500 from a timber sales fund for the match, but cited poor conditions of the road in not raking any action.

Dave Sim said the deck should not be high on the city’s priority list. He said a park north of U.S. 2 would make more sense.

“We should be focusing on other things,” Sim said.

Mayor Kim Corcoran said it sounded like a good project, but “not at this time” because of limited funds.

Brandon Tauer agreed the deck should not be a priority.

But commissioner Rick Semo said it would be “low-hanging fruit” and added the road “is no that bad.” He called it a small investment.

Also discussed was the signage that would be needed to direct tourists from U.S. 2 to the deck.

John Rudberg, an Ironwood resident, said travelers would need to be alerted about the scenic view and building a deck without fixing the road would be “putting the cart before the horse.”

In other business Monday, the commission:

—Agreed to set use hours for Depot Park similar to Longyear Park. Both parks will be closed from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m., except for special events such as the recent Festival Ironwood.

—Scheduled a public hearing for Monday, Aug. 10, at 5:25 p.m. to receive comments on a blight violation at 113 E. Pewabic St.

—Approved a change order for the Western Gateway Trail project that adds $2.200 for extra work. The project is funded with a grant.

—Agreed to vacate 120 feet of the Stevens Street right-of-way, south of the Geneva Street right-of-way, as requested by Robert and Lucille Davis.

—Waived the fee for Memorial Building rental for the Oct. 31 Ghouls Run through the city. The run will be at 9 p.m., earlier than in previous years.

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