Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties

Bergman accepts Ironwood position


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Ironwood — Tom Bergman will make the move across the Montreal River to accept the job as Ironwood’s Community Development Director.

Bergman has been working as the Iron County Planning, Zoning and Land Department administrator in the courthouse at Hurley.

Ironwood City Manager Scott Erickson told the city commission on Monday that Bergman had accepted the job and will begin work on Nov. 7.

Interviews were held previously.

“We had some good candidates and are pleased Tom accepted the job offer,” Erickson said.

Bergman has been a member of Ironwood’s planning commission for several years.

Former community development director Michael Brown resigned earlier this year to take a job in Illinois. Tim Erickson has been filling in since then.

In other business at the short Monday meeting, the city commission accepted a bid from Michelle Rigoni Sippola for custodial services for the Memorial Building, Carnegie Library and public safety department building. She bid $15.25 an hour to provide the custodial services. Six bids were received.

Erickson said the work on installing a new manhole at the intersection of Douglas Boulevard and Gogebic Street will continue for the rest of the week. Ross Peterson Construction, of Hurley, is installing the manhole.

Commissioners authorized advertising for well rehabilitation bids at the Spring Creek wellfields site in Ironwood Township.

Bob Richards, head of the public works department, estimated the shallow, 60-foot well work will cost around $30,000.

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