Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties
Ontonagon — Bob Graham, the Ontonagon Area School District’s head mechanic, stressed to the school board Monday the importance of passing the bus millage vote November 8.
Graham was replying to a question from board members on the cost of recent expenses for bus repairs. The mechanic said the fleet is plagued with badly rusted undersides on the old fleet and added that inspectors have already failed the 2002 bus, preventing its use. He added the 2006 bus has 176,000 mileage, 2005-190,000; 2004- 200,000 and the 2002 bus has 201,000 miles. Several also have badly rusted underbodies, he continued.
He told the board without the millage passage for new buses, “you are going to spend a lot of money on repairing the old ones.”
The board approved a contract with the Ontonagon County Sheriff’s Department to provide a school resource officer to the school for up to three hours per week at a cost of $16.42 per hour. The officer will be former State Police officer Bill Witt. Superintendent Jim Bobula said Witt will provide individual security and associate with the kids. He added mingling with the kids could provide a better rapport between the kids and police. Board member Karen Jackson said there was a similar officer at her children’s school many years ago and she said it worked well.
The board commended Ken Raisanen and his senior service class on receiving the Outstanding Traffic Achievement Award from the Michigan State Police. They received the award for the class project “Don’t Drive Distracted.”
Bobula reported on Wednesday, Oct. 19, students from Bob Genisot’s agriculture class will be gathering maple seeds from the Porcupine Mountains in conjunction with the Michigan DNR. He also noted ISD students Thursday will be attending Camp Josh for a day of games, fishing and outdoor education.
In other action:
—The board hired Andy Borseth for the varsity boy’s basketball position and Brittany Turin for the junior high boys basketball job.
—The board accepted the resignation of Chris Frazer as junior varsity girls volleyball coach as of Oct. 3, and hired Carly Adams and Krystal Clark as interim co-coaches for the JV volleyball team for the remainder of the season.
—The district will advertise for bids on wood chips. Bids will be due Nov. 11 at 3 p.m.
—The board approved the 2016-2017 curriculum handbook with Bruce Johanson abstaining because he did not have a hard copy.
—It was reported the Ontonagon Area Elementary fundraiser brought in $8,400 to be used for field trips, student activities and assemblies.
—The board also heard the district’s Family Science Night will be Oct. 25 and OAS Junior Student Council annual Halloween Carnival will be Oct. 31.