Bessemer — The Gogebic County Board of Commissioners Wednesday decided to delay adopting a resolution on high auto insurance costs until after the Nov. 8 election.
A proposed resolution was drawn up for the meeting by county clerk Gerry Pelissero, but commissioner Bob Orlich, of Wakefield, said it would be best to wait until after the election to determine who will be around to receive copies of it.
County board chair Joe Bonovetz, of Bessemer, said other Upper Peninsula counties have indicated they’d like to “jump on board” and approve similar resolutions.
The board’s next meeting is scheduled for Nov. 9, but the resolution will likely be acted on during the Nov. 23 meeting.
The resolution says Michigan is the sixth most expensive state for auto insurance and the no-fault provisions need reform.
The Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association provides unlimited lifetime coverage for medical expenses resulting from auto accidents, the resolution points out.
Commissioners wondered aloud Wednesday how much money is in the catastrophic fund.
In other business Wednesday, the county board agreed to meet next Wednesday at 4 p.m. for contract negotiations as a committee.
The board had considered meeting next week to interview the six candidates who are seeking a seat on the Gogebic County Road Commission board, but it was decided the meeting will be set for later, since the appointment doesn’t take effect until Jan. 1.
Wednesday was the deadline for filing for the seat.