Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties
Ironwood - Aspirus Ironwood Hospital hosted a snowy fundraiser for Miners Memorial Heritage Park Thursday.
The snowshoe event raised money to pay for grooming and trail maintenance. "Last year's event saw over 300 people come out and raised over $900, but they had excellent weather," said Carol Erickson, secretary for the Friends of Miners Park.
Snowshoers and cross-country skiers were both welcome to come to the park and traverse the one-mile (electric) candlelit course in the dark. Snowshoes were available for those who needed to borrow them. The UW- Extension donated more than 40 pairs of snowshoes for the event, in sizes suitable for children and adults, said Jim Decur.
Other people brought refreshments and snacks, while preparing the bus shed for the influx of people coming to support the fundraiser.
The participants were encouraged to bring their own lights, providing illumination and shadows against the white backdrop of the wintry Ironwood scene. While only one mile of the trail was lit with candles, the rest of the 2.6-mile course was still available for the visitors to navigate, if they had their own lights.