Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties

Bessemer marijuana facilites repeal passed 4-0


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Bessemer - Bessemer ordinances 356 and 357, allowing marijuana facilities in the industrial park, were repealed by the city council on a 4-0 vote Thursday evening.

The auditorium in city hall was packed with more than 40 people in attendance. When Mayor Adam Zak opened the floor for public comment, people respectfully stated their positions, either for or against the marijuana proposal and by 7:30 p.m., public comment wound down and the session was closed.

Zak initiated the measure, which was seconded by Allen Archie to repeal both ordinances and restrict medical marijuana facilities from the industrial park with Ordinance 358.

Many positive stories were heard Thursday regarding the benefits of medical marijuana. It was a real community moment. There were stories about pain mitigation for better to quality of life to thanks and credit being given to marijuana for saving multiple individual lives. Story after story was aired in support of marijuana, but it was not a 100 percent pro crowd.

Sue Emery said she did not believe Bessemer needs marijuana and she supported the council.

Jerry Edde made the point that no one in Bessemer is going to be forced to live in pain if the city rejects marijuana. Edde said, "Medical marijuana is already here, but Bessemer does not need to be the tip of the iceberg with wide-scale production."

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