Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties

Council addresses Riccelli Park needs

HURLEY — The Hurley City Council agreed Tuesday to pay more attention to Riccelli Park, now that the height of the summer season is approaching and that area is receiving more use.

Council member Jamey Francis, chair of the council’s parks and recreation committee, said parks issues hadn’t been addressed at the committee level for some time.

There were complaints about trash around the park on Memorial Day weekend and excessive weeds. Street superintendent Mark Bluse said the wet period around Memorial Day led to some rapid growth of the weeds at the park, but the summer help should be able to rectify the problem.

The council also discussed the possible removal of more trees at the park. Around 70 trees were removed in the past few years, many after wind storms, and around 30 more could be cut down, council members said.

Fire chief Mike Sejbl, who lives near the park, joked the city should leave some of those trees up for a noise buffer.

Bluse said the trees were planted many years ago when Herb Kinney was the county’s agricultural agent, but many have now matured to the point of being rotted and posing a hazard.

Francis suggested a punch list be developed of improvements needed at the park and council members toured that area with Bluse after the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday.

—Ralph Ansami