Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties
Ontonagon — The Ontonagon Area School has completed its new bathroom project. Superintendent Jim Bobula told the Board of Education Monday the bathroom renovations are now complete. “Floor to ceiling we have a new facelift,” he told the board. Final permitting and approvals were completed Friday. The $125,000 facelift was built with some of the sinking funds, approved by voters. Sinking fund moneys can only be used for specified projects.
Bobula praised the school staff who had to navigate students during the building project.
Students at the Ontonagon school are now using the virtual learning tool. The virtual tool can take students into a variety of places and activities. Students in history class, for example, can put themselves in the middle of a Civil War battle or a trip to Washington. Hundreds of other scenarios are available from the Gogebic-Ontonagon Intermediate School District. The teacher in the class will have a narration that follows with the project. Recently, the history-government class used the tool.
Bobula also reported that Communities that Care has started working with elementary teachers providing lessons on social, emotional intellectual and student health called Guiding Good Choices. The program, Bobula said, strives to teach effective child management skills, parent child interaction and how to reduce adolescent problem behaviors.
Bobula reminded the public that with the weather turning cold, walkers are welcome. He said the best time to walk in the school is from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. nightly. Doors are locked at 8 p.m.
In other action the board: Accepted the resignation of Luke Stafford as boys junior varsity basketball coach and hired Stafford as boys junior high basketball coach.
—Accepted the resignation of Brittany Turin as boys junior basketball coach. The boys junior varsity basketball coach’s position is expected to be filled soon.
—Accepted the bid from Norman Pestka Construction at $15,300 for snow removal for the 2018-19 year.
Bobula also announced the Scary Movie Night will be Friday Oct. 19 from 8-10 p.m. for grades 8-12.