Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties
Bessemer — The Bessemer City Council voted Monday evening to adopt Ordinance No. 373, which will grant the planning commission greater flexibility in reviewing site plans for accessory structures, including garages, that have not met existing standards.
City Manager Charly Loper reported the action to the Globe on Tuesday.
In a written report to council members, Loper stated, “As we have a very old community, many of our existing garages are legally non-conforming.”
She added that the ordinance will give the planning commission the ability to review some garage and other accessory structure plans to determine their viability.
The ordinance states that planning commission members will be able to approve an accessory structure that meets the following terms, as outlined:
—It does not interfere with lines of sight.
—The fire chief reviews and okays it for fire safety.
—Snow removal and water run-off will not impact adjacent properties.
—Accessory structure setbacks are similar to other setbacks on the same block.
—The site plan includes all requirements as outlined in detail within the ordinance.
—Adjacent properties will not be negatively impacted in any other way.
—The accessory structure, if a garage, has room for a car to park between the sidewalk and the garage.
In other news, the council also:
—Voted to condemn two structures at 108. E. Colby St. and at 407 E. Longyear St. A third structure on Lead Street was spared from the same action when the owner told council members that he would address improvements before the council reassesses the matter on June 15, 2020.
—Voted to approve a schedule of council meetings for 2020.
—Voted to accept a grant from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources for $43,477.50 and an amendment to a second grant in relation to the Michigan Western Gateway Trail Authority, for whom the city is a fiduciary partner.
—Voted to approve a contract with Michigan’s Secretary of State in relation to receiving notifications of lapsed CDL licenses issued to city employees.
—Postponed action on an offer by Terry Olson of Lino Lakes, Minn., who offered to purchase property at 506 Mine St. for $534. Loper said the city had listed the lot for $634. Because Olson had not indicated how he wished to use the land, council members opted to gather more information before voting on the matter.
—Received an update that engineering plans for pending 2021 utility upgrades are progressing.