Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties

Bessemer eyes security cameras for City Hall


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Bessemer — Members of the Bessemer City Council considered options in security at their Monday meeting.

Although no formal action was taken, Mayor Peter Tacconelli said he will talk to Department of Public Works Lead Ben Tucker, as well as former DPW lead Neal Nelson, regarding whether city employees can install security cameras in the Bessemer City Hall.

“I do believe our DPW can handle that installation,” said Tacconelli. “I really don’t feel we need a technician to install those cameras.”

Tacconelli’s statements followed a report by City Manager Christopher Frazer, who said he had received a related quote of $14,000 from the Computer Doctors in Ironwood

Given a potential cost that high, Frazer said the work should go out to bid.

Councilman Mark Movrich questioned the cost, and councilwoman Linda Nelson said city employees could install the equipment at a fraction of the quote. Councilman Mark Serwe agreed.

In other news, council members voted to cancel a closed session in which John Holland of the Michigan Rural Water Association was expected to provide a presentation on a water and sewer rate study of the city.

Nelson said it would be better first to collect more information from C2AE, the city’s engineering firm.

City Clerk Mandy Lake also said at least one other water report also is expected.

Moreover, Tucker said that new analysis has shown that an expected water rate hike in association to the city’s pending new reservoir may not be needed or at least may not be substantial.

Council members also:

—Voted to authorize the city manager to sign legal documents in relation to a First National Bank loan for a new dump truck.

—Approved a request from the city manager to use vacation time from April 29 to May 3.

—Approved the purchase of iPads for council members who request them. As quoted by the city manager, the cost will be $286 per unit, plus $45 for an accompanying protective case. Frazer said he will create a related iPad use policy. Nelson voted no on the motion.

—Approved an amendment to the city’s Noise Ordinance. The action followed a related second reading and a public hearing at the start of the meeting.

—Approved a resolution authorizing the vacancy of Howell Street, between Lots 8 and 9, Block 4, and Lots 1 and 16, Block 5. The request was made by Richard and Cara Matrella. Tucker assured that all the DPW desires is to retain access to city sewer lines in that area.

—Approved various routine requests from Bessemer’s Fourth of July Committee, which issued a routine request for city supplies and labor in a March 5 letter to the mayor.

—Tabled action in relation to the pending Iron Belle Apartments complex, as proposed by Chad Bucknell. Frazer said he has scheduled a meeting to gather more information this week and expects the item to be placed again on the council’s next agenda.

Unless otherwise indicated, all votes were unanimous with Adam Zak absent.

The council’s next regular meeting will be on March 25 at 6 p.m.

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