Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties

Bessemer Council postpones posting of city manager job


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Bessemer — Members of the Bessemer City Council voted on Monday evening to table the posting of the city manager opening until their next meeting on April 22.

Council members agreed on most aspects of the post but decided that they need more time to research how to phrase the rate of pay.

Interim City Manager Mandy Lake provided a refined version of the posting, which includes photos of the Bessemer area, along with updated statistics.

“What I did do is revamp the characteristics we’re looking for in a city manager,” she said.

Those characteristics include trustworthiness; good communication and leadership skills, expertise in community development and planning, and experience in grant writing and budgeting.

“Engineering, law, finance, or municipal experience would be beneficial,” the list adds.

Lake said she also included more details about benefits.

A base salary of $70,000 is also noted.

“I like it,” said Councilman Mark Serwe.

Councilman Adam Zak also approved of the pending post but said he thinks a full salary range should be included, suggesting a possible range of $70,000 to $90,000, negotiable in relation to experience.

“It’s a lot of work,” said Zak in relation to the application process. Hence, he believes that applicants do not want to commit to the process without knowing a full salary range.

Councilman Mark Movrich said he has seen some job listings with no salary indicated whatsoever. He said that including even the baseline of $70,000 in the post will mean that the city will have no ability to negotiate lower for a possible candidate with little experience.

Zak said he does not believe it is possible to find anyone to run the city for less than $70,000. He suggested holding off on posting until fellow council members research for themselves what other area city managers earn.

He also asked Lake her opinion on the timing of the post.

“We’re functioning OK in the office right now, but it’s up to you,” said Lake.

The council voted unanimously to table the matter.