Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties

Hurley School District hires second counselor


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Hurley – The Hurley School Board agreed Monday to hire Jackie Franzoi as a school counselor beginning for the 2024-2025 school year.

Her hire means the district will now have two school counselors. Franzoi will work with grades 6-12, while current K-12 counselor Sarah Eder will focus on K-5 beginning in the fall.

Franzoi, a Hurley High School graduate, comes from a school counselor position at the Winter School District.

The board meeting began with member Jessica Leinon-Novascone reciting the oath of office under the guidance of district business manager Amanda Corullo, as she was re-elected to a three-year term on the board at the April 2 election.

The board heard a presentation on Parent-Teacher Organization activities from the PTO president Angela Noojin and treasurer Anna Lardinois. They presented a list of fundraising activities and amounts raised, as well as a list of donations made by the PTO, and events planned.

Noojin said while the group's efforts have been successful, it's a small group and they're always looking for parents and others to volunteer. In an effort to increase communication, they set up a Facebook page and an email account.

"It's a lot of work and we could use more help," she said.

Leinon-Novascone suggested trying to get parents to sign up for just one event, as it would be less daunting than signing up for a whole year.

Board member Kathy Saari suggested they try assigning certain events or fundraisers to the parents of a particular grade level – as a group.

Board members Kathy Levra and Andy Laurin agreed it can be hard to get parents to step up and help.

Laurin said he's involved in Little League and finds the same problem.

Middle and high school principal Melissa Oja said students in the National Honor Society are often looking for volunteer opportunities.

"Thanks for everything you do and all the hours you put in," said school board president Leslie Kolesar to the pair.

Elementary principal Steve Lombardo said the PTO's next event is tonight's KISS (Kids Invite Someone Special) Dance and Dinner. "We expect another large turnout this year and thank you PTO for organizing such a positive event."

Oja listed several upcoming school events in her report, including the Silver Express Spectacular on April 24-26; Red Cross blood drive, April 24; athletic banquet, May 16; prom, May 18; honors program, May 24; and graduation, May 25.

Lombardo added kindergarten graduation will be June 4.

The board accepted a contract with Integrated Office Solutions for copier and printer services. Technology director Roy Haeger said he talked with five outfits looking for the bid, and to the Ashland and Solon Springs school districts about their successes with IOS. He said those districts were happy with the practice of leasing refurbished equipment; and while they had few problems, when they needed service, they got "immediate" attention.

After some bit of discussion, the board also decided not to go ahead with intalling a solar energy system. Superintendent Kevin Genisot presented a pair of proposals, both claiming the district's return on investment, or ROI, would be around 10 years. He said this is the third time they've looked at doing this and the ROI continues to go down.

Laurin said he was afraid that in 10 years they might have to start replacing equipment.

Kolesar said she was hoping for an ROI of 7 or 8 years. Laurin agreed.

Levra said it's nice that the ROI numbers have come down from 15 to 17 years.

Genisot said a major donation would help the ROI come down, as would more grant opportunities. He suggested the board revisit the idea next year.

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