Serving Gogebic, Iron and Ontonagon Counties

Bessemer students to get 'grab-and-go' breakfast


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Bessemer — The Bessemer Area Board of Education met on Friday for its monthly meeting and discussed the updated mileage rate for employee vehicles and the potential of expanding the school breakfast program.

The board heard a presentation from food service director Denise Tauer regarding the numbers of attendees for the breakfast program in both the elementary and high schools. According to Tauer, they have noticed that not as many students have been taking advantage of the program as they could at higher grades.

Tauer is planning the implementation of a second-chance breakfast grab-and-go with mobile food stands.

“We will place them at a central location, so students who couldn’t normally get to the cafeteria for breakfast are able to grab something,” she said. She is going to have a set breakfast menu as well, so that students know what to expect each day.

“I’m restricted in what I can give, but I try my best to get it as close as possible to what I would like to offer,” said Tauer.

This program likely would happen between first and second period, according to Tauer.

She also is looking into several programs for the future as well, including a fresh food and vegetable program for elementary students. She said that reimbursement rates for food service also are increasing in the near future.

Superintendent Richard Matrella is in full support of the new breakfast program.

“On average, we are serving 45-50 kids for breakfast, which is extremely low,” said Tauer.

The board discussed and voted to increase the vehicle gas mileage reimbursement rate to 0.67 per mile, pending the school vehicle is not available for use at that time.

The board hired the following positions: Owen Tuckey as JV/Assistant football coach, John Stone as junior high girls basketball coach, Maxwell France as varsity girls basketball coach, and Christie Montonati as a paraprofessional.

In other news, the board:

—Heard a presentation regarding the possibility of forming a flag football program.

—Heard and approved committee reports as presented.

—Heard the building and grounds committee report, wherein they looked into the possibility of installing Shackopee clay in both ball fields.

—Approved financial matters as presented.`